

If you don’t strive to be what you wanna be, you’ll end up being what you hate to be.

Dreams are to be achieved
Goals are to be attained
Ambitions are to be reached

If you’re a dreamer, it’s is necessary that you know that, “what you can’t dream about is what you can’t achieve.”
It’s necessary that you believe in yourself
It’s necessary that you begin to envision that future you desire.
Begin to act like you’re already there.
I ask myself, that who I’m I to give inspiration?
Who I’m I to inspire you? Just today, I learnt big lessons. While surfing the net, I encountered post and videos of what already is. Saw a particular video of one man without arms who farms. God is good! He did everything himself, from plowing, to cultivation, fertilizing to watering. He was supposed to higher help. He is at a disadvantage, but he is winning. Others might be seeing what he was doing, but I also noticed the farm capacity. Mehn! The farm was so big! He is doing it all on his own. And I felt “Wow”!  This is it. The inspiration for me.

  You have a weakness?! Yeah? Make it your strength. I’m telling you right now, that in your weaknesses lies your strengths.

You want to be great! Begin to believe it! Don’t just want! Believe you can be great! In believing this way, lies your comfort. Not the desperation that makes people take advantage of others. But in the wisdom of identifying  and taking advantage of your strengths, weaknesses, and your chances.

Did I say you can be anything you want to be? Well I’m saying it now!!! You can be anything you want to be!!! Say it to yourself wherever you are and to your neighbors. “I can be anything I want to be, you can be anything you want to be!!!”

Thank you, haven registered that. Let me quickly mention that, “it’s never gonna be easy! Because nothing good comes easy. It will be a journey on a long rough road, but believe me you’re gonna get there. While you’re believing that, do not believe your partners success can prevent yours from happening. Hell no! That’s so wrong. A hundred people might dream the same dreams but they  different destiny. Now say to yourself, that by God, I will live and enjoy my destiny!!! Have you said that? 🙂 Thank you.

Now to the criticism. Attention!!!
For every dream you dream, realization is certain. If only you believe. It’s important that you know that every stone in your way is an obstacle. A challenge you must overcome, only by striving to understand it, by doing that you begin to love it, and then realize that you cannot love it as much as it loves itself. Because in it lies destruction and in you lies live and freedom. Only then do you beat it. Only then do you destroy it.
Someone something telling you that your dream is impossible is only an obstruction. Understand him/it/her, love him/it/her, and then move for the kill. And succeed.

I enjoy writing and motivating, I enjoy counseling. And I encountered an app that said my job is to become a teacher. I tried this test twice more and it gave the same reply. And I wondered why. I said to myself, but I want to be so much more. Glory be to God, for before it destroyed my ambitions I bit it as fine as dust. I destroyed it so it can exist no more. I destroyed it so it can’t affect me.
I understood it as an obstacle that it is, and by understanding it it I grew to love it. Every challenge is a blessing and a teacher. This one reminded me that by achieving my goals, I intend to inspire others too. That motivating others through my success is one of my dreams too.
Now my people, here comes the million dollar question.
“What do we call a person that motivates others, that counsels others and inspires people??????? A teacher!!!

Do not let the fear of what you don’t know destroy you and your ambition.
One day, I’ll make myself, my family and friends as well as the world proud. I’d give testimonies in public places. I’d exalt my God in hidden and in congregations.!!! Ameen




Beauty Shakur

Early Motivation


Worrying about tomorrow? The worry is needed, it shouldn’t be too much though (to much of worry lead to heartache)

Even the smallest task in our lives requires organisation. Strategic planning is what leads to success. No thought is useless. You think life should be better for everyone and wonder how that will happen, you continue to think, and then you think of how much people strive in Lagos that they hurry to work in the morning and forget to eat or deliberately don’t eat so as to catch up with the Lagbus and get early to work. “What if someone arranges an array of tables, and prepare simple sandwich and provides an option of tea or coffee to go with it?” It seems difficult but not impossible. People will condemn it, but what makes something which seems otherwise impossible possible is the *actor’s* positive thinking.

Things never really work out for pessimists because they do not believe in possibility and so they unknowingly restrain from putting in the right efforts to allow for success.

Now, worrying about how to go about making your thoughts a reality isn’t bad, but what you should pay more attention to is the actions that will make the success possible.Don’t have enough money to start? How about saving in order to get capital. Thinking you won’t be able to pull it off? Condemning yourself even before you start won’t make a success.

Not everybody is everybody is gifted with the abilities to make up their own ideas, so no matter what level or situations and condition of life you’re, remember that abilities are privileges bestowed upon man by God. Do not underestimate yourself or look down upon yourself  even if others do. There is a reason why you have that ability, you have to serve the purpose which you represent.

Even if the road is rough, you’re gonna get there! You have what it takes to actualize your dreams, go get it!


*Beauty Shakur*


Beauty Shakur



‘’Help secure our future by breeding our future leaders’’
‘’Don’t kill the prospects in them by destroying their by destroying their courage.’’
    No kid is bad!
    No kid is dull!
    No kid is evil!
What makes bad kid is the negative impact we have on them. What destroys their being is how badly we manage their gifts and their weaknesses.
They are our tomorrow!
They can make our nation better!
They can make Nigeria better!

Let us help develop them, only through them.
A teacher can say ‘’I made this child better’’. But that is not exactly true (Only God makes a kid better through you and the kid)



Beauty Shakur